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taught postgraduate programme中文是什么意思

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  • 别修课式研究生课程


  • Enquiries on taught postgraduate programme admissions
  • Offers a number of taught postgraduate programmes and research postgraduate programmes in selected subject areas
  • The school of law will offer its taught postgraduate programmes in the graduate law centre . there will be synergy between the schools base on the university main campus at shatin and the graduate law centre in central
    研究课程教学中心占地面积35 , 000平方尺,将配备先进教研设施,包括模拟法庭、电脑教学设备等,与沙田校园本部的法律学院设施相辅相成。
  • It offers around 20 taught postgraduate programmes , providing students with valuable opportunities to upgrade their knowledge and to strengthen their network . there are currently more than 200 mphil and phd students in the faculty
  • It was accorded formal university title and status through legislation in 1994 . the university now offers 39 undergraduate programmes , 10 taught postgraduate programmes , and research programmes through its five facultiesschools of arts , business , communication , science and social sciences
  • It was accorded formal university title and status through legislation in 1994 . it offers 41 undergraduate programmes , 10 taught postgraduate programmes , and research programmes through its six facultiesschools of arts , business , chinese medicine , communication , science and social sciences
  • For taught postgraduate programmes , if students have to continue studies after the normative study period will be put on continuing status and will be required to pay tuition fees , unless otherwise specified by the programme concerned . those who have completed all course requirements but cannot pass the it proficiency test within the normative study period have to pay the late examination fee for it proficiency test as well
    修读修课式课程的学生如于常规修业期满后继续修课,将会成为延期生,并须缴交学费(除非个别课程另有列明) ;如学生同时未能通过资讯科技能力测试,则须缴交额外的考试费用。
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